It has been a busy few weeks with 7 competition days of the Juvenile Dublin T&F Championships plus the U9-U11 Team Championships now complete. Our focus is now on those who qualified for the National Championships which will be held in Tullamore over the next few weekends. Juvenile Training is NOW finished apart from those competing in the National Championships. The following are the training arrangements for each group:
Little Athletics – 2016/2015/2014/2013 Groups.
Wednesday Session – finished from Wed 21/06/23. Training after this date is for athletes competing in National T&F Championships.
Saturday Session – finished from Sat 24/06/23.
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday Juvenile Groups:
2010/2011/2012 Groupsfinished Thursday 22/06/23. Training after this date is for athletes competing in National T&F Championships.
Fit4Youth Group finished Thursday 22/06/23. Training after this date is for athletes competing in the National T&F Championships.
Pre-Development Group (Billy/Carol) finished Thursday 22/06/23. Training after this date is for athletes competing in National T&F Championships.
Development Sprints/Hurdles (Peter/Olive/Mary). Training will continue as normal with an expected break towards the end July. Please contact Peter/Olive/Mary for further information.
Development Endurance (Donal/Eddie/Stephen). Training will continue as normal with the summer break to be confirmed by Donal/Eddie/Stephen.
Saturday (11am) Juv. T&F training and Sunday Jumps training (10am) are finished for the summer, except those competing in the National Championships.
ClubForce training invites will issue for each training session, please Accept/Decline the training invites.
Our return to training will be mid to late August depending on the Group. Further information with return dates will follow in due course.
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their support throughout each of the competition seasons. Especially, those who volunteered/officiated at various competitions. In addition, and I’m sure you will join with me in thanking our Team of Juvenile Coaches – without their dedication and hard work at each training & competition session DSD would not be the success it is! A sincere thank you to all Parents/Coaches.
Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you again on our return.
Yours in sport.
Damien Moran
Juvenile Head Coach.