<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1560191238864-GJ588YSX6CSGW13BZCY8/Mini+Olympics+2019+%28002%29.png" alt="Mini Olympics 2019 (002).png" />
Thank you to everyone who registered so far, however, we’d like more of you to join us on Sunday for fun and games. If that doesn’t tempt you maybe the ice cream will!!! Please email me (damiendsdac@gmail.com) with the details listed below.
The 2019 end of year Mini Olympics will take place on Sunday 23rd June at 3pm on the grounds of St. Thomas Estate – DSD’s future Training Campus. The Mini Olympics is open to ALL juvenile athletes (from all training locations) and like always will be a fun based team competition. We will be calling parents to help on the day – there could be a treat in it for you!
Please email your entry to damiendsdac@gmail.com (please put Mini Olympics in the subject line) with Athletes Name, Age and Volunteers Name to register your entry. All entries received by Sunday 16th June, will be entered in a draw to win a Lifestyle Sports Voucher worth €25 – so get your entries in now!