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DSD's St Thomas lands get new entrance & gym

Happy New Year to all DSD members! We are looking forward to that moment in 2021 when we can all get back together again to train safely and, for the more adventurous ones, to pull out the DSD singlet and take part in competitions! We have another serious lockdown in place right now, so we are back to training as individuals. But keep the spirits up; there is a bright future around the corner! In December we had two nice developments on the St Tomas site – each a step towards our Campus. Tadhg Sullivan oversaw the opening up of a new entrance on Tibradden Road to give safer access and egress to the St Thomas lands. This new entrance will become the definitive entrance to the new Campus in due course and so the removal of part of the boundary wall is in line with the planning permission we have for the site. 230 tonnes of crushed stone later, we have a new car park for 20 cars. DSD’s Fit 4 Youth have already made use of this new facility as they have been using the site for their variety of track and field endeavours. 100 metres away, Head Coach, Ed Carthy, has also been working with his athletes in mind. The bells and whistles Campus is on its way, but Ed’s coaches need a gym now. He and a number of volunteers commandeered the garage at the St Thomas house and have converted it into a gym worthy of any serious athlete! Ed will arrange slots with his team of coaches so that the place can be used in a coordinated way once lockdown is lifted. In the meantime, the Campus Development Team continues to meet to progress the main project. In 2021 we will see the fruits of the quiet but busy 2020! As soon as we have important news, you will hear about it! Stay safe and stick with the training.

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