Dublin Senior & Juvenile C.C. Championships
The road from Santry to south Dublin was virtually paved with gold after the Dublin Juvenile and Senior Cross Country Championships on Sunday. Dundrum South Dublin AC won an astonishing seven sets of gold medals in the team races, topping it off with the Senior Ladies, led home by Fiona Clinton 4th, Maria McCambridge5th; Meghan Ryan 7th; Harriet Robinson; Niamh Devlin and Sarah Fitzpatrick. Our Senior Men’s team finished 3rd, with John Eves 6th our first finisher, receiving great team support from Patrick MacGabhann 9th; Robert Corbally 13th, Killian Mooney 20th; Mark Conway 27th and Gary Crossan. Well done also to Kevin Power Kelly, who completed his first senior cross country race. First over the line in the U.13 girls was Saoirse O’Brien, running her first cross country race for D.S.D., with a great 4th place finish. Ciara Kelly 7th; Isabella Tomkin Beddy (moving up an age group) 8th; also stepping up Gracie Browne 9th; Niamh Doyle; Ella O’Donohoe; Claudia Moran. Alex O’Floinn took off like a scalded cat in the U.15 Boy and then settled down to be joined by Sean Donoghue, national cross country champion, and also DSD team mates Morgan Clarkson; Adam Harvey; Peter Duffy, with Cian O’Sullivan and Luke Kearns keeping in touch with the second group. Morgan (u.14 Dublin Champion) and Alex had a great head to head battle with Sean Donoghue for the rest of the race and were edged out of first place in the final 200m, to finish 2nd and 3rd respectively. This was a great team performance with Adam Harvey 5th, Peter Duffy 6th for the best team score of the day of 16 pts . Eimear Maher moving up from the U.14 age group finished 3rd in the U.15 girls race and with Aimee Kenna, Lily May Craig, Caoimhe Nic Eachain and Emily Bradshaw packing really well to finish 1st with a score of 25, and also supporting the team were Eabha Nally and Faye Dervan. The U.17 Girls race was a top class national standard competition featuring a three way clash between Amy Rose Farrell (Blackrock); Jodie McCann and Grace Dervan. Jodie made a huge effort to stay with national championAmy Rose who broke away going into the last lap, finishing a gallant 2nd with Grace not too far away in 3rd. Sadhbh O’Loan and Katie Gossan illustrated how strong the D.S.D squad is in this age group, by finishing 4th and 5th, and once again winning the gold team medals. James Maguire, in only his second appearance since his return from Germany, had a ding-dong battle with Schools International champion Louis O’Loughlin, Donore, and picked up an impressive silver. Joining him on the podium was Aaron Donnelly who stormed home for 3rd place, with Naoise Moynihan O’Bradaigh 6th; followed by Brian Maguire, James Lenehan and William Kinsella, ensuring that D.S.D. also took gold in this U.17 age group. Paul O’Donnell took the U.19 title in great style, leading his team home for 1st place, with Conor Halpin 8th; followed by Ruadhan O’Grada; Luke MacGabhann; Roly Mossop; Ross O’Toole and Nathan Doyle. Eimear Fitzpatrick finished 2nd in the U.19 girls, Niamh Carey 3rd supported by Muireann Neville for another team win in this age group. Mark Molloy was our only runner in the U.20 age group and finished in 3rd place, with a very strong sprint in to the line. Our U11 girls showed great determination finishing in 2nd place, – scorers as follows: Grace Prenter 2nd Elena Kelly 10th Juliana Bondzio 12th Ally O’Sullivan 16th Georgia O’Keeffe 18th Sorcha Smith O’Connor 47th Well done to all, on a great day for the club. (Eddie McDonagh) <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1478549595008-PDY6R7Z6R68I67VZ2IUU/U17+Boys+Winning+Team.JPG" alt="U17 Boys Winning Team.JPG" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1478549730027-0MG2FKDZM2RF8XT1DI57/U11+Girls+Silver+Team.JPG" alt="U11 Girls Silver Team.JPG" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1478549786227-OD6RZZ8GGHF2ZIXSN2XC/U13+Girls+Winning+Team.JPG" alt="U13 Girls Winning Team.JPG" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1478549823325-KKEAAJMZSMEUM9UHTTWY/U15+Girls+Winning+Team.JPG" alt="U15 Girls Winning Team.JPG" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1478549858064-PAQNU7SFL21EP5OJUJFM/U19+Girls+2nd+and+3rd.JPG" alt="U19 Girls 2nd and 3rd.JPG" />