Juvenile Athletes September return to BCS Training
<img src="http://goodcowebprojects.com/aspire/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/10_NewDSDImage.png" alt="New DSD Image.png" /> From 1st September the following Juvenile training groups (U8 to U13) will be returning to BCS. The Development Groups (U14 up) will be advised of any changes by their coach. Please note the relevant training nights: BCS – Tuesdays from 6pm. · U11, U12 & U13 (Born 2010, 2009 & 2008) BCS – Wednesdays from 6pm (NOTE: This is a new training night for BCS) · Little Athletics Night U8, U9 & U10 (Born 2013, 2012 & 2011) ( Link to Little Athletics letter ) BCS – Thursdays from 6pm . · U11, U12 & U13 (Born 2010, 2009 & 2008) NOTE – Training Schedule Changes: The BCS Little Athletics Group (U8 to U10) has moved to our new Wednesday training night. The U11 to U13’s Groups have the option to train either Tuesday or Thursday or both nights. Irishtown Training. Juvenile training at Irishtown Stadium has already returned and will continue throughout the summer. There is no change to the Irishtown training schedule which is as follows: Irishtown – Wednesday from 7pm. · Open to all juvenile groups from U8 (born 2013) to U15 (born 2006). Irishtown – Saturday from 12pm. · Open to all juvenile groups from U8 (born 2013) to U15 (born 2006). It should be noted Irishtown training is open to all members, for example the BCS Little Athletics athletes can train on Wednesday in BCS and Saturday in Irishtown. Likewise, the BCS U11 to U13’s can attend a night or two in BCS and attend Irishtown. Membership Renewal : Our membership renewal used to be each September; this has now changed to each January. Therefore, your membership renewal will not be due till January 2021, giving you an additional 4 months membership to the end of December. Finally, click here for our (1 page) Parent Quick Guide to our Covid Protocols . Yours in Sport. Damien Moran damiendsdac@gmail.com