League 1, 2, 3 & 4 Results.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1496332843843-D46IHXCLGQGX1TYV5MYB/image-asset.png" alt="" /> League 1 to 4 results are now in! Well done to all who took part. The top 6 scores in each age group receive a Trophy/Medal. These will be collected from the Dublin Athletics Board at the first Dublin Championships meet and will be presented to the winners at the following Tuesday/Thursday training session. Please see schedule for overall score breakdown, DSD athletes highlighted (apologies if I missed anyone, please advise if there are any errors). The following is a summary of the DSD athletes who are in the top 6 point scores for their respective age group. Girls U12 – Georgia O’Keeffe (3rd) Girls U13 – Molly Mullally (3rd) Girls U14 – Claudia Moran (1st) Girls U15 – Iida Bradshaw (6th) Boys U10 – Cian Dunphy (2nd) Boys U10 – Matthew McCarthy (4th) Boys U15 – Cian Dunne (4th) Well done to all! #LeagueResultsTampF #Results