DSD Mini Olympics – St. Thomas 2018
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1532527871830-L9EARZOQNB80FPFH7Y0N/Mini+O+St+Thomas+2018.png" alt="Mini O St Thomas 2018.png" /> LET THE FUN BEGIN! Just one more day for the DSD Mini Olympics which will be held tomorrow, Thursday 26th July at the club’s grounds, St. Thomas House, Tribadden Road, Rathfarnham. https://goo.gl/maps/vzqzjC4HZD72 Thank you to all who registered, don’t worry if you’re not registered turn up on the evening and we’ll assign you to a team. Please arrive on time (6.30pm). Check-in will be open from 6.30pm to 6.45pm, we hope to have Teams ready to start at 6.45pm. Parents please note there is a chance the athletes will get wet during the games (then again, the athletes may not be the only target), so be prepared! Bring a drink, especially if it’s a warm evening (fingers crossed), we’ll have a treat for athletes/helpers at the end. Parking & Directions: On College Road continue past the Marlay Park entrance to the ‘T’ junction at Whitechurch Road, turn left under the M50 bridge. At the small round-about take the second exit (ie. turn right) on to Tribadden Road. On your left is the grounds of St. Thomas House, please ignore the first entrance which is to the main house, follow the road for a further 200m, and park in the open field. See picture.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1532527928070-6ELH9AH546IITPWK9632/St.+Thomas+Parking.png" alt="St. Thomas Parking.png" /> Finally, please be encouraging and cheer on your teammates as well as your competitors. Look forward to seeing you there.