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Dublin Even Age Cross Country Championships in Abbotstown on 22/10/17 – ENTRIES DEADLINE TUESDAY 10T

<img src="" alt="DSD Image.png" /> The Dublin Even Age Cross Country Championships will be held in Abbotstown on 22/10/17. All entries must pre-register on or before the Deadline of Tuesday 10th October . Please notify your coach or email David Bradshaw ( ) with your entry and include the following information in your email: Athletes name and gender. Athletes date of birth. Athletes coach. The distances for the Dublin Even Age XC Championships are: U10 (Born 2008): 1000m U12 (Born 2006): 2000m U14 (Born 2004): 3000m NOTE : If you have not completed the renewal of your club registration, please go to our website and complete the re-registration without further delay, as this may affect your entry to the Dublin XC Championships.

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