East Leinsters Day 2
Ciarán Carthy added to the 400m title he won on Monday by winning the Inter Boys 400m hurdles yesterday in Santry. Also making it a double were Laura Gallagher in the Inter Girls 300m hurdles, Hannah Murray Junior Girls 200m and Faye Dervan Inter Girls 800m. There were many other impressive performances and they can now look forward to the Leinster Championships in two weeks time. Minor Boys Jamie Byrne (Wesley) 2nd High Jump Inter Boys Ciarán Carthy (St. Michaels) 1st 400m hurdles Patrick Tucker (St. Michaels) 1st 200m; Gavin Doran 2nd Ben Jones (Pres.Bray) 1st 800m; 2nd Jack Moraghan (Clonkeen) 3rd Adam Harvey (Blackrock) Liam Blackburn (Blackrock) 3rd 3,000m Liam Jenkins (Oatlands) 3rd Long Jump Senior Boys Seamus Fenton (Coláiste Eoin) 2nd 200m Luke Curtis (Blackrock) 2nd 400m Harry Kearns (Blackrock) 2nd 5,000m Minor Girls Jenny Costello (Mt.Anville) 2nd 500m Christine Moran (Coláiste Iosagáin) 3rd 800m Junior Girls Hannah Murray (Wesley) 1st 200m Ciara Kelly (Foxrock) 3rd 800m Claudia Moran (Our Lady’s Grve) 2nd High Jump U.16 Girls Cara Murphy (Alex) 1st 200m Jill Ruffli (Alex) 2nd Long Jump Inter Girls Laura Gallagher (Alex) 1st 300m hurdles; 2nd Charlotte Bourke (Holy Child) Faye Dervan (Wesley) 1st 800m Emma Roche (St. Raphael’s) 1st Shot Roisin Healy (Rathdown) 3rd Long Jump Senior Girls Emma Ryan (Loreto Dalkey) 1st 800m; 2nd Roseanne McCullough (High School) Niamh Carey (Col. Iosagáin) 1st 3,000m Tai Daly (Loreto Foxrock) 2nd High Jump and 2nd Shot Putt Well done to all!
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<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1525425543524-8RCB7IE9UGFWJ8B20R7I/Ciara+Klly+800.jpg" alt="Ciara Klly 800.jpg" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1525425578122-3VZYB3BTGBYFK1YHMQ88/EabhaNally.jpeg" alt="EabhaNally.jpeg" />
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1525426131861-3ISG7G1R7T4IPNGO1T4Q/ChristianMoran.jpg" alt="ChristianMoran.jpg" /> Thanks to Lindie Naughton for photos