Easter Break Training Arrangements
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1522061840212-H5UNR8RUTNRSYSXRQLPU/DSD+Image.png" alt="DSD Image.png" /> Please note the following are the Easter training arrangements for each group: Irishtown training as usual on Wednesday at 7pm. No training on Saturday (31/03/18) – Irishtown Stadium closed for the Easter Weekend. BCS Thursday Training for all groups from Little Athletics up to Terri’s Sprint/Multi Event group – training as usual 6pm to 7pm. Donal/Eddie’s group will train in the mornings in Marlay Park at 10.30am during the week and usual time at the weekend. No training in BCS for this group. Dave Bradshaw’s group will also train in the Marlay Park at 10.30am during the week and usual time at the weekend. No training in BCS for this group. Liz’s group train Tuesday at 6pm in BCS. Wednesday in Irishtown at 6pm. Amended Thursday training now in BCS 6pm. TeamDSD – Gerry McGrath’s Group – No Training over the Easter, but will return training on Tuesday 3rd April.