<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1514373891800-B33WRRIK02OM8JHQVYRW/cartoon-running-reindeer-by-toonaday-4701.jpg" alt="cartoon-running-reindeer-by-toonaday-4701.jpg" /> Training details are as follows: Training in Irishtown will re-commence on Saturday 6th January. Training in BCS will re-commence on Tuesday 9th January. There is training for the following groups over the holidays: Donal & Eddie’s Group will be training in Marlay Park on Wed 27th, Thurs 28th, Sat 30th at 11 am, Sun 31st at 10.30 am. Tues 2nd & Thurs 4th at 10.30 am. Liz’s Group will be training in Marlay Thurs 28th, Sat 30th, Sun 31st, Tues 2nd at 11 am. Training in Belfield on 3rd January to be confirmed. Thurs 4th at 11 am in Marlay. David Bradshaw’s Group will be training in Marlay Park Sat 30th at 11 am, Sun 31st at 11 am. Tues 2nd & Thurs 4th at 10.30 am. No evening training for any Groups until Tuesday 9th.