Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon Training Programme
The 2016 Vhi Womens Mini Marathon DSD training program commencing Tuesday 5th April promises to be a great way to train for the big day. Our Yearly Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon & Summer 10km training program will commence again. Many ladies and gents have found this a great entry point to the clubs M&T group and indeed some have even taken their running to a national level, all from starting in this training program. It will involve access to 4 days a week training, with qualified coaches and like minded individuals wanting to get fit for summer. It will culminate in a 10km race in June, then continue running for the summer if you like. For €55 (€30 if you give the club a volunteering day) you get access to over 8 weeks of training instruction and stretching & core work. http://www.dsdac.com/pdfs/Reg-Senior.pdf
Learn dynamic stretching & warm-ups before you start running. Developing these good habits, reduces injuries and prepares the body correctly each time you run. We suggest/insist that you are able to run 1 mile prior to joining.
If you’d like to participate you need to complete and submit the attached registration form to niamhdsd@gmail.com “before” commencing your training. http://www.dsdac.com/pdfs/Reg-Senior.pdf Mark on the form Mini Marathon Training and the amount paid. This training is open to both men & women, and the club is keen to assist you learn the good habits that a healthy lifestyle & running brings.
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