Zak sets new 800m Club Record
<img src="" alt="" /> Many of Dundrum South Dublin A.C., club records date back to the 80’s/90’s, when we held at one time nine national records – a record in itself for any club in Ireland. The new generation of D.S.D., athletes are now determined to make their mark, and Zak Curran fired the first shot last Saturday at the Morton Games when he smashed Ian Marron’s 800m time of 1.47.74, recording a top class 1.46.78, finishing in 2nd place. Zak had already indicated that he was in top form at the National Senior Championships when he ran 46.96 (400m). With Siofra 2.01.9 (800m) also making her mark for the younger brigade the only question is when the new figures will be set in many disciplines. Well done Zak!