D.S.D Women win GloHealth National League again!
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1470666872315-MHR6Y7GQ1IV2MWOH81C7/image-asset.jpeg" alt="" /> It was six in a row yesterday for the Dundrum South Dublin women’s team. Very well done to all those who contributed to this success, not only in Tullamore yesterday but also in the first round in Santry and second day in Belfast. It was a real team effort, with many of the team stepping in, without hesitation, to events not exactly their favorites!! In the final yesterday Grace had no hesitation in jumping from winning the High Jump to the 800m where she also obtained maximum points. Grainne also rushed away from competing in the Long Jump to joining the rest of the girls for the 4x400m. Sinead was in her usual winning form and as well as winning the 400m she anchored the winning 4x100m team and also ran a great leg in the 4x400m. Rachel missed out on the first week of her holidays to play her part in the final, finishing second in the 400m hurdles and also running the second leg of the 4x400m relay. Fiona Clinton didn’t have much rest after finishing 3rd in the 1500m before lining up for the 3,000m which she duly won. Maximum points were also achieved by Kate Doherty who won the 100m hurdles and also ran a great 3rd leg in the winning 4x100m relay. Also in good form were Mollie O’Reilly 3rd 200m; 4x100m and 4x400m relay teams and Katie Berney 100m and 4x100m. A great contribution also was made in all rounds by Alayna our race walker and in the field events Alice May, Ailbhe and Lucy played their parts, and gained valuable points for the team. Unfortunately we had a depleted men’s team, and for a long time in the competition we were in 5th place, but the absence of several athletes soon caught up with us and in the end we finished in 8th position. Very well done to those who were in action especially Sean Roth, who won the pole vault (4.70) and then rushed to the hurdles and the high jump where he picked up more points. Emmet was also a great contributor to the team yesterday and in previous rounds, with a 2nd place yesterday in the Steeplechase. Our ‘always reliable’ John Eves finished 2nd in the 5,000m, with Matt 4th in the 1500m. Joe Halwax ran a very good 400m hurdles finishing 3rd, and also in 3rd place was Brian McDermott Javelin. Others putting in a great effort for the team were James 400 and 4x400m; Nathan, Andy, Ben, Niall and Killian. Well done to all!