D.S.D. 1st Club Team in Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon
Congratulations to our winning club team of Maria McCambridge, Niamh Devlin and Harriette Robinson. Results as follows: Winning Teams : 1st Dundrum South Dublin; 2nd Raheny Shamrocks; 3rd Metro St.Brigids. Category Winners : 0/40 1st Maria McCambridge 37.35 0/50 2nd Cathryn Brady 40.20 0/60 3rd Sheelagh Jones 47.23 0/65 2nd Joan Coyle 52.04 Individual Results: 13 Maria McCambridge 37.35 14 Niamh Devlin 37.48 15 Harriette Robinson 38.03 58 Cathryn Brady 40.20 84 Eileen Gillick 44.11 131 Claire McGovern 46.03 148 Sheelagh Jones 47.23 183 Clare Flanagan 47.32 Well done to all
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<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1559728867825-ND5HYRINW6UBZHTP6RU3/wmmgroup2.jpg" alt="wmmgroup2.jpg" />