DSD AC Membership 2025 update
ClubZap: A we head into a new year, we are also introducing a new App to DSD AC which will be used for membership renewal and communications including training invitations and updates. From December 15th, Clubforce will no longer be used by DSD AC and will be replaced by ClubZap, an app which some of you may already be using for other sporting activities. It is imperative that you download the App over the coming days and follow DSD AC. We will follow up with information on how to join your training group over the coming days. Please use the QR Code or link here to download: ClubZap QR Code - Download App & follow DSDAC. Membership Rates 2025: Athletics Ireland have increased their individual membership registration fee by €6.50 for 2025. To cover a significant portion of this additional cost, we have increased our membership fees by €5 per person. Please note that Family Membership Options reflect a per person increase. Student membership (3rd level) has increased to €100. This rate now includes entry fees to domestic competitions which are approved by the athlete’s coach/s. As a Club, we are aware of the financial pressures on our third level students and hope that this gesture will lessen this burden. Membership renewal 2025: For those who need early registration to enable registration for events in early January, registration through ClubZap will be open from December 17th. An automated renewal reminder will be sent to all members after January 1st at which time we ask that you all renew or advise us of your plans not to do so. We still have a large juvenile wait list and where we can offer places to kids on this list, we will do so in January. Should you have any questions, please contact me at dsdmembership@gmail.com Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Tess Byrne Director of Membership.