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DSD Open Day with David Gillick – Sat October 22nd

<img src="" alt="" /> Dundrum South Dublin AC Open Day with David Gillick Date: Saturday 22nd October 2016 Venue: Taylors Three Rock Pub Time: from 2.30pm Who is it for? This event is for the Parents of the clubs Juvenile members and for all club members. It is particularly beneficial for parents looking to understand more about what athletics can offer their children and how to manage their child’s sporting load. What’s planned? You will hear from David Gillick about his career as an athlete, the life skills learnt and how that helped him win Master chef. You will have time to chat with David and taste some of his cooking! We will also have Peter Mathews, Strength Coach and former National Cross Country Champion to chat to you about managing your child’s conditioning & training load. We will have a nutritionist available to talk to you about appropriate post exercise recovery foods. What’s the Format for the afternoon? The event will start at 2.30pm with an “Open Room” format. You will have the opportunity to walk the room and chat to the experts. The formal part of the day will commence at 3pm. David Gillick will give a keynote address on “Athletics as your Sport”. The formal part of the day will conclude by 4pm, after which the room will be open for further chat with the experts until 4.30pm It promises to be a wonderful afternoon of learning and entertainment; we hope you and your child can join us. Yours in Sport Declan Ryan Lucy Moore Fox DSD AC Chairman DSD Head Coach
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