Dublin Juvenile Indoor Championships
Please find attached programme of events for the Dublin Juvenile Indoor Championships which will be held in the new Indoor Facility at the National Sports Campus, Abbotstown on the dates below Day 1 Friday 10th February 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Day 2 Saturday 11th February 10am – 5pm
Day 3 Sunday 12th February 10am – 5pm
Timetable for Day 1 Timetable for Day 2 & Day 3 Please look at the entry form for your age group and pick what events you wish to enter. There is no need to print or scan the form. Send your entry to niamhdsd@gmail.com by close of business Wednesday Jan 25th No entries can be accepted after Wed 25th. U9 and U10 Events Entry Form U11 and U12 Events Entry Form U13, U14, and U15 Entry Form U16, U17, U18, and U19 Entry Form
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