Dublin Juvenile Track & Field Leagues 2023 start this weekend!
Well done to all athletes who competed in the recent Dublin Indoor Championships, to those who progressed on the National Juvenile Indoor Championships (and to those who won medals in both Championships – particularly our medallists at National level). We hope you enjoyed your events and are looking forward to the Outdoor T&F season, which kicks off on Sunday 23rd April in Tallaght with the first of the four Dublin T&F Leagues. Below is a summary of the Dublin T&F League dates, with links to each days’ Schedule of Events: League 1 Sunday 23rd April @ 10.30am Tallaght ( Link: L1 Schedule ) League 2 Sunday 7th May @ 10.15am Tallaght ( Link: L2 Schedule ) League 3 Sunday 21st May @ 10.30am Tallaght ( Link: L3 Schedule ) League 4 Sunday 25th June @ 10.30am TBC (schedule to follow) How do the Leagues work? The Leagues are an open competition which you do not have to pre-register for - simply turn up at least 1 hour before your first event and register with the DSD Official (at the DSD flag) to receive your Age Label. Once you’ve registered and received your Age Label, you can compete in any or all of the events scheduled for your age group. Points are awarded to the top 6 athletes in each event as follows: 1st 7 points 2nd 5 points 3rd 4 points 4th 3 points 5th 2 points 6th 1 point Medals will be awarded to the top 3 athletes in each event on each competition day. The top 3 athletes in each age group with the highest points accumulated over the 4 Leagues will be awarded a trophy – so obviously the more events you enter, the more chances you have of accumulating points. The Dublin T&F Leagues are a relaxed intro to T&F Competitions. They are a great opportunity to try new events and to get some competition experience (and practice) before the upcoming Dublin T&F Championships. Note: without volunteers and officials these competitions cannot take place. Please let us know if you are available to volunteer on the day. As always we endeavour to minimise time officiating by spreading the work among many. It is much appreciated if you could make yourself available if asked to help on the day. Please let us know if you are available to volunteer. Please arrive at least 1 hour before your scheduled event as times are approximate and an event can start up to 45 minutes earlier than scheduled. Notes Club singlets must be worn (singlets will NOT be on sale on the day)
Go to Team Wear Store Be prepared for all types of weather Bring water/food as delays can happen All clubs are required to provide officials to help at these events - it will be much appreciated if you make yourself available to help when asked. Only athletes aged U10 – U16 are eligible to compete (U9 may step up to U10)
U10 (born 2014)
U11 (born 2013)
U12 (born 2012)
U13 (born 2011)
U14 (born 2010)
U15 (born 2009)
U16 (born 2008) An athlete cannot step up or down an age in any event (except U9 born 2015 can step up to compete with U10s). Track events will be decided on times – no heats/quarter or semi-finals Field events – 3 throws/jumps per athlete All competing athletes must be currently registered. In the event of contests clashing, officials will show flexibility, i.e. if a competitor is involved in long jump contest and a track event/other field event is called, he/she will be facilitated to participate in both, but must inform the official(s). Parents and supporters are not permitted on the track or infield areas. Please cooperate with, abide by and respect the decisions of the voluntary officials and organisers of the competitions. Everyone in attendance should help keep the facilities we use clear of rubbish. Please use rubbish bins where they are provided or bring your rubbish with you when leaving! The programmes and event orders are subject to change to facilitate the smooth running to the competition. Note that Gardaí have advised that cars parked illegally on cycle and foot paths will be fined. Additional Links 2023 T&F Competition Calendar & Guide 2023 Age Category Wishing all our athletes the best on Sunday – we look forward to seeing you there! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions. Yours in sport Sharon Wilson Director of Athletic Operations