Dublin U9, U10 & U11 Team & Relay Championships – Irishtown Saturday 27/05/2017
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1495620901408-GDGRFMF7OETLM49DJ4TX/image-asset.png" alt="" /> Please find link to the U9 – U11’s pairs. We tried to meet all first preference events, but had to switch a few athletes to give them the best opportunity to compete as a paired team. Also, please find link to the 4 x 100m relay teams, the teams are made up of 4 members plus 2 subs where there were sufficient numbers. Coaches on the day will select the relay team running order and subs. Paired Teams and event entries. 4 x 100m Relay Teams. Team & Relay Events Schedule. The Championships start at 10am, please be there 1 hour before to allow time to check-in get your team label and warm-up. Athlete/Parent you are reminded as follows : Club Singlets must be worn. (Singlets will be on sale on the day. Price €20). Athletes should be there 1 hour before (9.00am) to allow check-in, warm-up etc. Be prepared for all types of weather. Bring water/packed lunch as delays can happen. On arrival, please check-in with DSD to get your Team label. Athletes will not be permitted to compete without their club singlet and a Team label. Entry Fee is already included in your club subscription, so no fee payable on the day. If wearing running spikes, please ensure they are 5mm spikes. Finally, parents please make yourself available to help officiate. Many hands make light work and minimize delay in the running order. It will be much appreciated if you help when asked. #Irishtown #TeamChampionship