Dublin Uneven XC Championships – Sunday 4th November – Santry.
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1541114561946-RS0JH265L4S0ZESOGGPS/XCL2+-+U13G+2018.jpg" alt="XCL2 - U13G 2018.jpg" /> Good luck to all competing this Sunday (4th November) in the Uneven Age Dublin XC Championships which are being held in Santry Park (beside Morton Stadium). Click for Athlete Entries , Race Maps and Race Timetable . Please remember on arrival athletes should check-in with Brian O’Donohoe at the DSD Tent/Flag, to receive your race number. It is essential athletes remain at the DSD area for their coaches and not wander off. Club singlets must be worn, and limited stock will be available for sale on the day (Price: €20). Thank you to all who volunteered to officiate on the day. This is the volunteer list which was submitted to the Dublin Athletics Board, you will need to check-in at the officials tent to receive your duties. Athletes should note their race start time and be on course as follows, this is to allow time to check-in, Walking the race route and warm-up: · U9 G&B: (Race starts 11am) On course at 9.50am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 10.15am) · U11 G&B: (Race starts 11:16am) on course at 10:00am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 10.30am) · U13 G&B: (Race starts 11.35am) On course at 10.20am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 10:50am) · U15 G&B: (Race starts 12:03pm) On course at 10:50am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 11:15am) · U17 Girls: (Race starts 12:35pm) On course at 11:20am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 11:50am) · U17 Boys: (Race Starts 12:55pm) On course at 11:45am (Walking Course/Warm-up at 12:10pm) · U19 Ladies: (Race starts 1.15pm) On course at 12.00pm (Walking Course/Warm-up at 12:20:pm) · U19 Men: (Race starts 1.45pm) On course at 12.35pm (Walking Course/Warm-up at 1:00pm) Tips for new parents (and the not so new!). · Arrive in plenty of time, parking can be difficult so you could end up walking a distance to the race location. Try to aim for arrival an hour and 15 min before your scheduled race. Coaches will usually walk the race route with athletes and begin warm-up around 45 mins before the race time. Be on time, as coaches cannot keep the group waiting. Best to have a relaxed athlete and not rushing to be on time for a race. · Your entry has been submitted you just need to Check-in at the DSD Tent/Flag to collect your race number, which should be worn on the front of your club singlet. Singlets must be visible during the race, ie. wear over base layers. · Dress appropriate for the weather. Athletes should wear plenty of layers, with gloves and hats to fight the cold. Jackets, tops/bottoms should be kept on during/after warm-up and left on till just before their race. Runners are worn for the warm-up. · Athletes change into spikes after warm-up (fitted with 9mm/12mm spike inserts). · During the race don’t run along side your athlete, as this can result in disqualification. · Have a towel and change of clothes for after the race, even baby wipes to clean off the mud. · Bring food and water, be prepared for delays as they can happen. · At the end of the race a proud hug and/or high 5 is the order of the day with a big smile, they may well hurt at the end, but they’ve just had a big achievement no matter what position they come. Show your Pride! · Bring a treat for after the race, a flask of hot chocolate will really take the chill out of the bones. · Don’t just leave after your child’s race, support your club and cheer all the DSD athletes. IMPORTANT – Dublin Athletics Board Instructions: Car-parking : Competitors and spectators are specifically requested to park in the confines of Morton Stadium. Fingal Country Council who are the owners of Santry Park have specifically requested that no event parking take place within the confines of the park itself. Competitors and spectators are specifically asked also not to park illegally in the Santry area as local residents may well contact An Garda Siochana and in the past cars have been ticketed and removed. The track in Morton Stadium is absolutely out of bounds. No warmups are permitted on the track or on the infield and any encroachment on the track is specifically prohibited by order of Morton Stadium. Could clubs also instruct their athletes to remove all litter from Santry park post event. Failure to do so means that the volunteers who will be there from 8 in the morning erecting the course will then be on their hands and knees in the dark cleaning up rubbish after the event. Not the most pleasant of tasks and certainly not fair!