Luke wins Gold in Athlone!
Luke McCann got his Indoor campaign underway in AIT Indoor Arena yesterday, with victory in the AAI National U.23 1500m. Luke raced into the lead after the first 200m and was never headed, as he recorded a comprehensive victory in 3.56.83. Aengus Meldon was also in top form with a silver medal in the U.23 800m in 1.56.74, after winning his heat easily, earlier in the day. Kate Doherty finished 4th in the U.23 60m hurdles (9.07). Molly Hourihan moved up to 400m, and having qualified for the final, finished in 5th place in 59.36. Molly is only 16 years of age and will have two more years in this age group. Joe Halwax qualified for U.23 final, but due to work commitments had to leave before the final. James Holden, Rachel Dunne, Paul O’Callaghan and Orla Walsh also ran gallant races in their age groups. Well done to all!
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