New Season Training
<img src="" alt="DSD Image.png" /> On your marks…………., yes, it’s that time of the year! Welcome back from our summer break. While some groups are back training in the last week or so. Training re-starts this week for all juveniles as follows: Tuesday, 5th September BCS Hall (6pm). Open to U13 (2005 – age 12) and up, for David Bradshaw, Donal/Eddie, TeamDSD and Liz’s groups. Wednesday, 6th September Irishtown Stadium (7pm). Open to U11 (2007 – age 10) and up. Thursday, 7th September BCS Hall (6pm). Open to the current Little Athletics group (2009/2010) and up. Saturday, 9th September Irishtown Stadium (12pm). Open to the current Little Athletics group (2009/2010) and up. Re-registration : Our online re-registration form is open to all current members, please proceed to Registrations and complete as apparent. If you were registered with the club during 2016/17 your place is guaranteed for the month of September while you complete your re-registration. New Members : For those looking to join the club and are on our waiting list. Please note places will be offered during the month of September, but all offers will be issued by early October. Those unsuccessful in securing a place will be advised by mid-October and will remain on the waiting list. Waiting list details (