Spirit Twilight 5k Challenge
Congratulations to all club members who took part or helped out at the Spirit Twilight Challenge 5k Race at Sandyford Business Park. Well done to Niamh Devlin who finished in 2nd in the ladies section and was 5th overall. Fintan Hourihan was the star of the show, in an organization sense, as everyone agreed it was one of the best courses on the road circuit and everything went without a hitch. Spirit Motor Group, our main sponsor, ensured the prizes were top class, as was the presentation area in their main showrooms in the Business Park. Well done to all our volunteers, who turned up in large numbers to ensure the course and finish area were very well organised under Race Director, Darragh Kelly. http://www.myrunresults.com/events/twilight_team_challenge_5k_/1807/results <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1475500107884-7JBUQ1MITT4ZC4OCYZLQ/IMG_6344.jpeg" alt="IMG_6344.jpeg" />
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