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Emer Finlay the Virtual Interview

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Next up we have Emer Finlay, Women’s Track and Field Captain

1. When and why did you join DSD AC?

1998 at the ripe age of 8

2. What was your best event and what event did you like best?

800/ 300 – I tried everything but the short pacey stuff suited me best

3. What is your favourite training workout?

Hills! Love ’em

4. And your least favourite?

10 x 100 – it gives me nausea thinking about it

5. What is your most cherished or proudest moment in your athletics career?

Leinster relay – tailteann games – 2006 – gold medal and tailteann games record with Ciara Everard, Sinéad Denny and one other.

6. What is your most loved athletics sporting moment of all time ?

Emma Coburn winning the World Championships Steeple chase in London 2017 – there’s a video of her sister watching Emma run down the home straight and it gets me every time.

7. What is your favourite race / athletics meet to take part in?

As a youth – Friday night leagues (less pressure the better) now NIA on Tuesday cause tiz all I’m able for!

8. What was your worst injury – and how did you get over it?

In Sport in general – a broken collar bone that required two surgeries – had to go travelling to get over that one! In athletics – shin splints – loads of rehab, time spent in the gym building up strength, patience and not pushing too hard too soon.

9. What do you eat before a race and how long before do you eat?

Same as I do every day – bowl of oats, linseed, honey. If it’s in the evening, it could be anything but definitely a a banana!

10. If you could have dinner with 3 sporting personalities past or present who would you pick?

Andy Murray, Kipchoge & KJT

11. What is your next running / athletics goal?

To run 400m faster than I can run it now.

12. How are you motivating yourself to continue training at these difficult times?

Training is my way of de stressing – I generally look forward to it

13. What piece of advice would you give an aspiring athlete?

Stick with athletics in your late teens!

14. Do you have any memorable or funny story from DSD that you could share?

Monte Gordo circa 2007, I thought it would be a good idea to dye my very brown hair – blond – using the boxes of hair dye available in the local grocery store. My friend dyed it all of 3 times – it was several shades of yellow so I had to phone home to my dad for a lend of money to go to the hairdressers to ‘fix’ the mess. Little did my dad know, I didn’t ask the hairdressers to dye me back brown but instead asked them to dye me more blond/ yellow. I was late down to the track as a result of it taking so long in the hairdressers and when I arrived Eddie didn’t recognise me and said he thou ght I was someone from the Swedish training group. The following day, someone quacked at me in the street assumably because my hair looked like a rubber duck that you would find in a bathroom.Upon arriving back to Ireland, my mum cried and made me wear a hat for days until she could get an appointment with a hairdresser. The hairdresser informed me that my hair was actually green under UV lights. All in a days training.

15. Can you share an old picture from your running days

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