<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1525958697683-VUO2SNCPMT2D0KOAV987/DSD+Image.png" alt="DSD Image.png" />
Thank you very much for your cooperation and submitting your entries for the upcoming Dublin Juvenile T&F Championships. We would like to ask you to check the entry you have submitted in order to verify its completeness and correctness before it is officially submitted. Here are the the final list of entries (22:00pm Thursday 24th May):
Final List of Entries (10pm Thursday 24th May)
Please check the events that you are listed for.
Previous information relating to this event:
The Dublin Juvenile T&F Championships will take place over 6 days as follows:
Day 1, Wednesday 6th June in Tallaght at 6.30pm
Day 2, Friday 8th June in Santry at 6.30pm
Day 3, Friday 15th June in Irishtown at 6.30pm (Some field event & Uneven Age Relays)
Day 4, Saturday 16th June in Irishtown at 10.30am
Day 5, Sunday 17th June in Tallaght at 10.30am
Day 6, Wednesday 20th June in Santry at 6.30pm (Even Age Relays)
Full programme of events for each day are available via the online entry form.
This year the entries are submitted online, please go to Competition Entry Forms in the headers above or follow this link (http://www.dsdac.com/dublin-juvenile-tf-ch-2018-entry-form/). Kindly complete all mandatory sections (Mandatory Sections are denoted with ‘*’).
Entries Deadlines:
Entries will only be accepted for fully registered members, please ensure you’re registered for 2017/2018. Kindly note your entry must be submitted by the following dates:
Deadline for the Steeple Chase is Wednesday 16th May, 2018
All other individual entries must be received on or before Wednesday 23rd May, 2018.
Late entries after these dates will not be accepted.