<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1498731180022-TIN5AUI3Q9RLBJVA41HM/image-asset.png" alt="" />
Irishtown Training:
Juveniles (Little Athletics, U9’s and upwards) will all finish for the summer from this Saturday 1st July, 2017, with the exception of those that qualified for the All Ireland Championships. All are welcome to join us in Marlay on Thursdays till the 20/07/17 (see below), also please join us on the 20/07/17 for our Mini Olympics evening.
Donal/Eddie’s Group no change to their training schedule until further notice.
Liz’s Group no change to her training schedule until further notice.
Marlay Training:
Juveniles (Little Athletics U9’s and upwards) Thursday training will continue until Thursday 20th July 2017. We will finish that day with our Mini Olympics, please remember to enter your name to be included in a Team.
Dave Bradshaws Group – No change until further notice.
Donal/Eddie’s Group – No change until further notice.
Liz’s Group – No change until further notice.