<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1486384361197-2TUSV18A5JG2W6GXLRMF/image-asset.jpeg" alt="" />
Our spike mountain is running low on stock. We would love to take your ‘pre-loved’ running spikes off your hands. All we ask is that they are in a wearable condition. So, dig them out, bag them and drop them to either Irishtown/BCS on the training nights.
For all new members/parents, DSD Spike Mountain is DSD’s recycling centre for ‘pre-loved’ running spikes. Old worn spikes are removed from the shoe, and the shoes are brought back to life with a good scrub and clean – as good as new! And all for a fiver!!! If interested contact your child’s coach.