In accordance with the previous notice the AGM of the Club was adjourned on 31st May due to lack of a quorum will take place on 15th of June at 8pm as a Virtual Meeting via Zoom.
The business of the meeting shall be:-
Chairman’s address;
Consideration of the Directors’ Reports and Financial Statements (accounts);
Other reports;
Election of directors in place of those retiring;
Remuneration of auditors;
Motions of which notice has been given;
Any other business.
As all our members will be aware, regulations have been made restricting meetings under the Health (Preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Act 2000.
In view of this, it will be necessary to conduct the meeting through video conference in accordance with Section 176 of The Companies Act 2014. The technological solution will provide members as a whole with a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting.
Log in details will be provided in due course.
Any member wishing to propose either (a) a candidate for any position up for election (list of positions below) or (b) a resolution to be voted on at the meeting, must sent notice of that resolution to the secretary, no later than close of business on 12th June to
Ordinary director
Head Coach
Club Captains
Club PRO
Club Registrars